
Tomadores de decisión

Guías clínicas lactancia materna

The first few hours and days of a newborn’s life are a critical window for establishing lactation and for providingmothers with the support they need to breastfeed successfully. Since 1991, the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) has helped to motivate facilities providing maternity and newborn services
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portada Guía USDA

Guía alimentaría para los americanos

The foods and beverages that people consume have a profound impact on their health. The scientific connection between food and health has been well documented for many decades, with substantial and increasingly robust evidence showing that a healthy lifestyle—including following a healthy dietary pattern— can
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Libro Diabetes OCDE

Over the last few decades, mortality from cardiovascular disease has dropped faster than mortalityfrom other causes. Despite this great success, prospects for making further inroads are threatened byrising levels of obesity and the lack of adherence to recommended treatments.Startling variations in the probability of being
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Obesidad en México

Recomendaciones para una política de Estado. Esta obra académica da cuenta de la postura que toma la Academia Nacional de Medicina frente auno de los grandes problemas de salud de la población mexicana: el exceso de peso y susimplicaciones. Se trata de un trabajo producto
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