ID de revista: PMC2393121
PMID: 2364480
Autor principal: Danko RA
Revista: Bull World Health Organ
Año: 1990
Plataforma de Búsqueda: PubMed
Metodología: Transversal
Grupo de estudio: Embarazo y lactancia
For this purpose, a currentstatus life table analysis of data from 1131 women who were served by community health workers in the State of Mexico was used to determine the distributions of the duration of postpartum breast-feeding, amenorrhoea, and contraceptive use. The field methods used incorporated quality assurance procedures. At 1 month postpartum, 78% of the infants were still being breast-fed, at 5 months 50%, and at 12 months 25%. The level of amenorrhoea at 1 month postpartum was 85%, at 3 months 50%, and at 5 months 25%. Use of contraceptives was initiated at an early stage, with 42% of all users beginning during the first month postpartum. The simplified method described permitted the area’s primary health care administrators to carry out research projects for programme development rapidly and was compatible with the locally available resources.